Muso-Method's FINGERS CURVE 6 Month Challenge!

Muso-Method's FINGERS CURVE 6 Month Challenge!

Join our 6 month challenge through video tutorials on

A lot of piano teachers and parents ask why Muso Music Academy kids can EASILY have their fingers CURVE.

The truth is, there is a process to building those fingers to become curve and strong, which we now call the Muso-Method FINGERS CURVE 6 Month Challenge. It is also normal to have to do the challenge up to 1 year for the naturally small framed students or stiff adults.
This means generally, all our beginner and transfer students within 6 months can improve their finger muscles through these steps and training.

Does it work for ALL students?

The answer is yes UNLESS.... you have a digital piano. Digital piano keys have a different weight to acoustic pianos, so if you practice your Fingers Curve Exercises on a digital keyboard, you will see a LITTLE improvement but you will never be able to curve them properly.
It's like practising or learning tennis with a plastic racket, instead of the proper racket. You will find you can hit the ball easily with the plastic racket but then when you join a tennis competition and have to use a proper racket, you will find it challenging - or worse, think badly of yourself and have low self-esteem.

Why is it important to use an acoustic piano?

To help both kids and adult learners have STRONG self-esteem and piano confidence, it is ESSENTIAL you practice and learn on an acoustic piano.

What if I don't have an acoustic piano yet and I want to be a serious piano learner?

Then please TAKE A BREAK. Negative learning is worse than not learning at all, because it will take even longer time to "fix" the bad habits.

What if I am a leisure piano learner and don't want to take piano seriously? Can I still use a digital piano?

Then the answer is yes. As long as you don't wish to perform in a proper recital in front of a concert hall or your performance will just be on an acoustic upright piano, then it is okay. However, you will find performing on a grand piano really tricky - but at least now you know, it's not because you have problems. It's simply the equipment you use is too "cheap"!

Why is my kid's fingers still so weak after doing these exercises for 6 months?

If your kid is around 3-5 years old, chances are their small frame and naturally "weak" fingers (due to age) require them to do the exercises longer. That's very normal and nothing to stress about. They just simply have to do it for up to 1 year.

What about after 1 year, why is there is still a problem?

Then it's definitely because you are practising on a digital piano ;) caught you!

Are there any exercises I should do to help improve weak fingers?

Yes, more blogs and courses will come out soon to help. Stay tuned!
Good luck friends, and hope your fingers can curve in 6 months or up to 1 year.
Written by Isabelle Ng.
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