Introducing the UPDATED US 2.0!

Introducing the UPDATED US 2.0!


What is US 2.0?

Thanks to emails, messages and comments - we have updated and IMPROVED our US/Solfège version of Muso Flash Cards.

Currently only available on (click here).

What has been updated?
  • ALL 4 octaves of notes now have FIXED Solfège
  • Rhythm cards have improved terms e.g. sixteenth, eighth, dotted half
  • Time signatures & rhythm descriptions improved with better US terminology specifications
  • BOTH Treble/G Clef & Bass/F Clef included
  • Sharps & Flats description amended with half step descriptions

BUT sadly, we need YOUR help with reviews!

If you click on this new link of US 2.0 Muso Flash Cards, you may notice there are no more reviews. This is because for every new version, Amazon requires you to create a new listing and deletes all previous reviews.

This means

  • Our ranking is rock bottom again⬇️
  • It's harder for customers to search for our new product
  • Customers who search "music flash cards" won't be able to see our product
So how can you help?
Option 1: You don't intend to buy more
  • CLICK on the link (yes, as simply as clicking will help!)
  • Share with friends/acquaintances
  • Share on social media
Option 2: You DO intend to buy more
  • Please please leave a review!
  • Get FREE shipping with Amazon Prime
  • Buy bulk for your students, or family/friends

Thank you a million!




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